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Living in an aging society requires learning how to get along with the elderly and possessing the ability to care for them. "Elderly stickers" are a commonly used way of greeting in the lives of the elderly. The reason that the research team chose this topic is because the elderly stickers convey greetings that transcend age and generations through technology, making it a valuable research subject. However, what exactly do elderly stickers want to convey? Is it to show warmth and caring, or simply sharing emotions? What are the thoughts that lie beyond the simple patterns of flowers? In what forms do elderly stickers present themselves? Have they already become a unique subculture created by the aging society? The answers should not be confined to these questions alone. Undeniably, there may be generation gaps between the younger and older generations. Simply receiving images of peace, happiness, and health, young people may not successfully understand the true meaning behind elderly stickers. Therefore, this study attempts to uncover the different layers of meaning behind the existence of elderly stickers.
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