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Modern Taiwan also has a lot of flexibility in dealing with monuments, and there are also very detailed regulations on the definition of monuments. What do the Taiwanese people think of the existence and restoration of historic monuments? Some people may think that this is not the most urgent or important matter and don't care about it, but as long as it is an object, it will be damaged one day. And when the object is damaged, do people choose to repair it or not? If the decision is to restore the monument, some people may think that the monument loses its original appearance. If the decision is no to restore it, some people may think that the outlook is too ugly. This study proposes that it is important to learn from the experience of other countries regarding the restoration of historic monuments. The situation in Taiwan can refer to the discussion of historic monuments in other Asian countries. Therefore, the core of this paper lies in the organization of different opinions and approaching the values concerning restoration.
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