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It is a story that occurred in the fairy tale. A boy from the "supporting role's kingdom" didn't want to be just a supporting role all his life, so he left home. Then he met a girl who was from "Protagonist Kingdom" in the forest who left home as well. That’s because this a wonderful and touching story happened in this fairy tale.
The boy came across the villain's kingdom and saw a witch having trouble. The witch let the boy stay in his candy house to help her. The witch asked the boy to go to Duke Bluebeard's house. The boy ran into the girl he used to meet in the forest. He found that they were going to the same way, so they went together and chatted happily.
Accidentally, the boy found the girl was Duke Bluebeard's wife , and he was also assigned to help Duke Bluebeard. Even though the duke told the girl do not to open the door he pointed. she was still curious. When opining the door, and Duke Bluebeard stood behind her suddenly. The Duke got angry and tried to kill the girl. In the end, The boy sacrificed himself to rescue her.
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