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This book is talking about a world where was full of a kind of special creature called Piñata. A Piñata named Pinacorn, the leading role, was very willing to help many people while doing his daily duty. In the story, Pinacorn met several problems, such as a little girl who was crying in the park because she was weak for many years, and a dove who was depressed because he lacked self-confidence. The solution to the problems was to give others a lot
of sweets and listen to their complaints.
Another creature, the dove, named Babara made a wish with those sweets that Pinacorn gave. He eventually became a dream dove he wanted—Mamara, who had a Mario’s hat with more confidence and energy. After solving these problems, Pinacorn met Pinasanta. Pinasanta told him that there was a group of the poor who were suffering from starvation in the certain corner of the world due to the lack of supplies. With his kindness and enthusiasm, Pinacorn decided to help those people in need. In the end of the story, he completed his final mission—sacrifice himself to help those people who were starving.
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