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士商、昂星(すばる) 2018-2019台日合作課程專題交流(成果紀錄)
SLHS & KSHS 2018-2019 International Cooperative Class Exchange Project (Records)
目錄 Contents
1. 摘要(Abstract) 4
2. 重要時程(Main Schedule) 5
3. A組紀錄(Group A Records) 7
3.1 Sep.14, 2018 (FRI) 視訊會議1(Video Conference 1)–VC1 7
3.2 Oct. 3, 2018士商SLHS小組討論照片Group discuss Photos 10
3.3 Oct. 26, 2018 (FRI) 視訊會議2(Video Conference 2)–VC2 11
3.4 Nov. 9, 2018 (FRI) 視訊會議3(Video Conference 3)–VC3 13
3.5 Nov. 30, 2018 (FRI) 視訊會議4(Video Conference 4)–VC4 15
4. B組紀錄(Group B Records) 17
4.1 Sep.14, 2018 (FRI) 視訊會議1(Video Conference 1)–VC1 17
4.2 Sep.14, 2018 - TNC Coffee老闆討論照片(Discussion photos with TNC owner, MR.Chou) 20
4.3 Sep. 2018,中嶋農園(京都) Nakajima Nouen合作照片Related Photos 21
4.4 Sep. 28, 2018, 士商SLHS 設計討論照片Design discuss Photos 23
4.5 Oct. 5, 2018, 士商SLHS 設計討論照片Design discuss Photos 25
4.6 Oct. 19, 2018(FRI), 視訊會議2(Video Conference 2)–VC2 27
4.7 Nov. 2, 2018, 士商SLHS 模型設計照片Model Design Photos 29
4.8 Nov. 9, 2018 (FRI) 視訊會議3(Video Conference 3)–VC3 31
4.9 Nov. 30, 2018 (FRI) 視訊會議4(Video Conference 4)–VC4 33
5. A組工作單(Group A Worksheets) 35
5.1 Sep. 14, 2018 VC1-[A0]會議記錄單(Meeting minutes) 35
5.2 [A1] 學校介紹單(School introduction sheet) 39
5.3 [A2]智能手機的通訊環境單(Communication Circumstances of Smartphones sheet) 44
5.4 [A3]資訊安全、網路道德問題單(Problems of Information Security/ Internet Moral sheet) with VC3 records 54
5.5 [A4]台北城市探索單(Taipei city tour explore sheet) 64
6. B組工作單/設計作品(Group B Worksheets/ Design Work) 68
6.1 Sep. 14, 2018 VC1-[B0]會議記錄單(Meeting minutes) 68
6.2 [B7] 新產品設計參考問題Questionnaire for new products’ design 73
6.3 B3 B4 咖啡包裝設計Coffee package design 第一版Version 1 75
6.4 [B1]商品設計提案單(Souvenirs proposal sheet) 84
6.5 Oct. 19, 2018 VC2-[B0]會議記錄單(Meeting minutes) 92
6.6 B3 B4 咖啡包裝設計Coffee package design 第2版Version 2 95
6.7 B1 B2 包裝米設計Rice package design 第1版Version 1(Case:cancelled) 99
6.8 B2(三星園上林三入)巧克力和餅乾的海報設計Chocolate and cookie poster design 第1版Version 1 102
6.9 B1(作島)筷架和耳環的海報設計Chopstick stand and earrings poster design第1版Version 1 108
7. B組設計參考(Group B Design Reference) 111
7.1 設計要點 (Design Notifications) 111
7.2 TNC Coffee (TNC咖啡)設計項目Design Items list 112
7.3 TNC Coffee (TNC咖啡)設計參考資訊Design Reference Information 118
7.4 中嶋農園(京都) Nakajima Nouen設計項目Design Items list (Cancelled) 124
8. 有關昂星百貨節(About Subaru Department Store) 125
8.1 昂星百貨節資訊(Information about Subaru Department Store) 125
8.2 士商疑問 (Questions from SLHS) 125
8.3 昂星回答(By小川建治老師) Reply from KSHS 126
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