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您有 5 筆諮詢,是否要送出呢!?
In the beginning, the idea is from the board game called Cheating Moth, but instead of Moth, our main character is Spider. We think Spider gets more ways to prank on someone, and because of the name of the board game, we want to set the climax at the “cheating” part.
However, a book for children needs a moral behind the story, so we traced back to the motivation behind cheating. Why would a person want to cheat? Does he know the consequences of cheating? Because we believe cheating is not a good behavior, we make Spider a naughty character, and hope the readers will know that the difference between good and bad is only a few steps far.
Cheating in the exam “might” seem not a big deal, but if you get used to cheating and bring this kind of attitude into other aspects of life, like your job, it may become a big problem. Therefore, we want our readers to think about it and make a right decision—that is, refusing to cheat in any way.
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